Methods and Applications
A. Colin Cameron and Pravin K. Trivedi
This book provides the most comprehensive treatment to date of microeconometrics, the analysis of individual-level data on the economic behavior of individuals or firms using regression methods for cross section and panel data. The book is oriented to the practitioner. A basic understanding of the linear regression model with matrix algebra is assumed. The text can be used for a microeconometrics course, typically a second-year economics PhD course; for data-oriented applied microeconometrics field courses; and as a reference work for graduate students and applied researchers who wish to fill in gaps in their toolkit. Distinguishing features of the book include emphasis on nonlinear models and robust inference, simulation-based estimation, and problems of complex survey data. The book makes frequent use of numerical examples based on generated data to illustrate the key models and methods. More substantially, it systematically integrates into the text empirical illustrations based on seven large and exceptionally rich data sets.
Most comprehensive text on microeconometrics available anywhere
Authors are leading experts on the subject matter
Self-contained, rich with exercises - a perennially important subject

Microeconometrics Using Stata, Revised Edition
A. Colin Cameron and Pravin K. Trivedi
Stata Press
Copyright: 2010
Comment from the Stata technical group
Microeconometrics Using Stata, Revised Edition, by A. Colin Cameron and Pravin K. Trivedi, is an outstanding introduction to microeconometrics and how to do microeconometric research using Stata. Aimed at students and researchers, this book covers topics left out of microeconometrics textbooks and omitted from basic introductions to Stata. Cameron and Trivedi provide the most complete and up-to-date survey of microeconometric methods available in Stata.

Microeconometrics Using Stata, 2nd Edition....coming soon!

Regression Analysis of Count Data (Econometric Society Monographs) 2nd Edition
A. Colin Cameron and Pravin K. Trivedi
Students in both social and natural sciences often seek regression methods to explain the frequency of events, such as visits to a doctor, auto accidents, or new patents awarded. This book provides the most comprehensive and up-to-date account of models and methods to interpret such data. The authors have conducted research in the field for more than twenty-five years. In this book, they combine theory and practice to make sophisticated methods of analysis accessible to researchers and practitioners working with widely different types of data and software in areas such as applied statistics, econometrics, marketing, operations research, actuarial studies, demography, biostatistics, and quantitative social sciences. The book may be used as a reference work on count models or by students seeking an authoritative overview. Complementary material in the form of data sets, template programs, and bibliographic resources can be accessed on the Internet through the authors' homepages. This second edition is an expanded and updated version of the first, with new empirical examples and more than one hundred new references added. The new material includes new theoretical topics, an updated and expanded treatment of cross-section models, coverage of bootstrap-based and simulation-based inference, expanded treatment of time series, multivariate and panel data, expanded treatment of endogenous regressors, coverage of quantile count regression, and a new chapter on Bayesian methods.