Professor Trivedi earned his PhD (1970) at the London School of Economics. Subsequently he held faculty positions at University College London (1968-70), University of Southampton (1970-74), Australian National University (1975-1986), Indiana University-Bloomington (1987- ) and University of Queensland (2013- ). His current research interests are in microeconometrics, with special focus on econometric modeling of healthcare. More information about his research and research collaborations can be found on his Google Scholar page and elsewhere on this website.
His relatively more recent books include, Regression Analysis of Count Data (Econometric Society Research Monograph, Cambridge University Press, first edition 1998, second edition 2013), a graduate text Microeconometrics: Methods and Applications (Cambridge, 2005), and, graduate-level applied microeconometrics text, Microeconometrics Using Stata (Stata Press, Revised edition 2008, second edition 2021) – all three are coauthored with A. Colin Cameron (UC-Davis). He has also coauthored with David Zimmer (University of Western Kentucky) a book length review article, "Copula Modeling: An Introduction for Practitioners," in Foundations and Trends in Econometrics, 2007.
More detailed information about his honors, awards, publications, and professional activities can be found elsewhere on this website.